Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Things and stuff

Cheer is starting to come to a end which is nice.I'll start allstar cheer when this is over which is so much harder.I'm so happy that my dad's coming home in 33 days.I'm going to one more sweet sixteen to go to.i got a new coat it's to die for.My moms getting things for Christmas.

Monday, April 12, 2010


We went to Dubai for the day a few weeks ago. I thought it was pretty much like Bahrain. Lots of things being built, lots and lots of malls, a few pretty parks......and it was hot and sandy and dusty. We did go to a really cool mall, it had a little river on one side of it that had boats to take you from place to place, there was even an Ikea in the mall which made mom happy. I don't know why, it isn't like we could buy anything. It was a quick day but we were all tired anyway, flying twice in one day, even when the flight is only 1 hour is tiring. I am getting along here ok, I made a new friend at the teen center, she is my age too. I still miss my friends and cousins at home though, I hope we get to visit soon.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Life has many up's and downs,but we get past those up's and downs.Some times to fast and we miss the fun in life.So take life slowly making sure not to miss the fun in life.I'm having so much fun,going to malls and this place called the DOME it's so good.At fist was very sad,but now I'm not so sad abot leaving FLORDIA.I'm geting many boxes from my famly.I like hear so far.We live in an apartmet.I'm making friends or at least looking for some.In the summer time it gets real hot.

Friday, December 25, 2009

I am in Bahrain now

Hanging out on the roof of our apartment grilling sausage and cheese and at the mall on one of the rides in the kids area
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Living in Bahrain is interesting. Sometimes I want to go home and sometimes I want my family to come here. I do like it here but I just miss my cousins and my friends. And I kind of miss having my own room. When Skye takes a nap I can't go into my room to play or get my things because I might wake her up. But other than that part it isn't bad. Our apartment is nice, it is small but nice. We don't have Disney channel or cartoon network or any kids channels at all actually but my dad get's Netflix and the movies come to our house. Dad takes me bowling with him, when I get really good he is going to buy me my own ball and shoes adn I might join a league. It would be neat I think.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The planes and Bahrain

Well we made it, we are here! We went on 3 plane rides to get here, it was the first time I'd ever ridden on a plane. The first plane from Jacksonville to Washington, DC was very small and I couldn't sit next to mom. I sat in front of her next to a businessman but he was nice. I sat next to the window and looked out, the cars looked like ants and the rivers were very dark blue, we even flew out over the ocean. On our flights to from DC to Germany and from Germany to Bahrain we were 39,000 feet in the air so all we could see were the tops of the clouds! The plane food was actually good and the Gulf Air flight to Bahrain even had a Sky Nanny to help with babies and kids! I like it here, it is a neat place, they love kids here so there is a lot to do. I won't try the food, it just looks different and smells different and I am afraid I won't like it. Mom and Dad get frustrated and tell me I have to try it because that is what we have here and they don't want me to be hungry. Maybe I will give things a chance after we've been here for awhile but for now I am happy eatng cereal, pop tarts, apples, bananas, melons, and salads........they are the safest bet when eating in funky turkey places!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Going on an adventure

It has been very long since I wrote on my blog. We are in the middle of a big move, have big news in the coming weeks, I will be writing on my blog more.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Model Me

The other day we went out garage sale-ing. My mom likes to find funky things to turn into other funky things, it is pretty cool. Anyway, I decided to bring a little bit of style to our day out so I put together a great outfit and mom took some fashionista pics of me! I love dressing in fun clothes, it makes me happy and it makes other people smile so it is a good thing!